in hope

she was only fifteen
when someone told her fat
so she clutched her stomach and skipped meals
in hope she lose a few pounds

she was only fifteen
when her boyfriend left for another girl
so she puts on more make up and changed her wardrobe
in hope that someone would find her pretty

she was only fifteen
when she was diagnosed with neurofibrosa schwanomma
so she was in and out for hospital treatment
in hope someone would visit her

She was only sixteen
when she cried herself to sleep because everyone left her
so she put her face into the pillow
in hope no one would hear her

she was only sixteen
when she got the first scar on her left elbow
so she wore sleeves over the summer
in hope no one would see her scars

She was only sixteen
when she took her own life
she stop fighting for living
in hope people will remember her death


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